Ergonomics Enews

Managing risk within your safety management system

diagram showing the four steps of managing risk

As an employer, there are four steps to managing risk within your health and safety program:

  1. Understand the risks.
  2. Implement measures to control the risks.
  3. Communicate your prevention strategy to workers, supervisors, and your joint health and safety committee.
  4. Monitor your prevention efforts. Evaluate the effectiveness of your control measures and update as necessary.

These four steps are shown in the diagram above. It can be used as a framework for managing risk in your workplace.

Hierarchy of controls

The hierarchy of controls is used to identify effective and adequate controls that eliminate or, if elimination isn’t possible, minimize the risk of injury. The questions that need to be asked in order are:

  1. Can the task be eliminated through design or alternative work methods?
  2. Can the task be substituted to reduce risk?
  3. Can engineering controls be implemented to assist the worker by improving the task, workspace, environment or the machines and tools used?
  4. Can administrative controls help in reducing the exposure to risk factors in the work?
  5. Can the worker be protected from the risk factors through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)?

The hierarchy of controls are illustrated in the diagram below.

workers sitting around a table having a discussiondiagram showing the hieratchy of risks

Once you’ve chosen controls and workers have been trained on those controls, section 4.52 of the OHS Regulation speaks to the next phase: evaluation. It speaks to the need for employers to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken and to review the measures at least annually.

Visit to learn more about managing risk and controlling risks.

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WorkSafeBC, PO Box 5350 Stn Terminal, Vancouver BC V6B 5L5